NEW Giant Lego storage boxes

June 10, 2010

This year kicked off with a massive film-related Alice in Wonderland trend, which, as we all know,  involved a lot of teacups, playing cards, bunny rabbits and a general obsession with scale. This summer, GIGANTIC accessories are still HUGE (ha ha) as this brand new collection from Lego (available from Store this August) proves…

Check out the hilarious storage head (reminds me of that freaky Little Joseph candle holder…!) – perfect for storing – well, Lego bricks I suppose. Or pasta?! Or marbles, if you’ve lost them…

A large box will be £23, and a smaller one will be £14 – the head will set you back £17. The best thing is, all the boxes including the head have real Lego clip-together knobbly bits (this sounds slightly dodge but you know what I mean and the correct terminology is eluding me!!) so you can build away merrily, pretending you’re Arrietty. HOW cool. Is. That. – Ellie

25 Responses to “NEW Giant Lego storage boxes”

  1. potterjotter Says:

    They do look cool, but they also look like some overgrown child has left his toys scattered around the room and has yet to tidy up! However, it may also make tidying up the toys more fun for the kids if they had these to put them in?

  2. We’ve blogged about this now! Thanks!

  3. ChiGarden Says:

    Sefie pointed me to these giant lego brick containers, I thought they were the coolest thing ever. I love how the photos seem confused in size.

  4. Victoria Says:

    Where can i purchase these as looked on store and not listed .
    Many thanks

    • homeshoppingspy Says:

      Hi Victoria, as we said in the post I’m afraid these aren’t out until August – this is a sneak preview. Hope you get your hands on them soon! Ellie x

  5. Simon Says:

    Hi All,

    Thanks for the feedback on my new LEGO storage boxes. My plan was to have them for sale on our website and in STORE early August but the good news is I may have the first batch finished mid July…watch this space.

    Yes indeed the photos were soooo hard to set-up and get a good sense of scale without making it look like we were shooting a tiny bed and desk rather than giant lego pieces!

    Thanks for the interest and comments
    Simon @ STORE

    • Simona Says:

      Simon, I checked your website and wanted to place my order – it seems there’s no way to have the lego boxes delivered to Italy?? please advise! thanks! Simona

  6. Angela Says:

    Kids room??? I want them in mine!!!

  7. Sarri Says:

    They’re amazing, not for kids, I want them..

    And props for the Borrowers reference!

  8. I’m a Lego fan (like a lot of people) so when I saw these giant Lego storage boxes on the Ideal Home magazine blog, HomeShoppingSpy, I got myself into one of my shopping palpitation tizzies. Tapping into the trend for playing with scale!

  9. Simon Says:

    I think you’re right Angela and Sarri, they make for great storage boxes for big kids too in a ’70s retro kind of way!

    We also took some nice photos of them in a living room too as well as the shots above. Apart from looking GREAT, I think that they’re going to be a great idea for clearing the clutter of magazines and newspapers or maybe to tidy away DVD and CDs etc.

    Simon @ STORE

  10. laMotif Says:

    If my son weren’t into Legos, I think I’d want these new Lego Storage Bins. Since he is, I will definitely be purchasing these when they come out in August

  11. How cute are these giant storage lego blocks. I could do with some!

  12. Diane Litvak Says:

    Please let me know when they’re on sale!

    • Simon Says:

      Hi Diane et al

      I’m pleased to say we’re now “up and running and have plenty of giant Lego storage brick boxes in lots of funky colours on the shelves of our shop.

      We’ve had lots of requests for lime green and black too (which I’ve not had made yet) but these’ll be on their way in late Sept.

      Kind Regards and thanks again for the interest and comments

      Simon @ STORE

  13. Tess Says:

    They are pretty cool, the issue we had when we used tubs was we still had the issue with trying to get the kids to pick the LEGO after they had finished playing….It drove us crazy so we started to produce a playmat & LEGO storage solution it one, check out the gogosac
    perhaps a combo of both a gogosac that then fits on the huge lego tubs now theres an ideas…

  14. Debbie Says:

    How much to ship to the US?


  15. Bonnie Edwards Says:

    I need the legos boxes…please tell me how to order them for Christmas, 2010. They are so cool…help please!

  16. CHARI PITTS Says:


  17. Laura Says:


    Did you make the letters in the background, “L” and “E”? Or did you purchase them from somewhere? If you could post a link to the site of purchase or if made for the photo shoot could you post the dimensions and materials I would greatly appreciate it. I would have loved to purchase them from the Store, but it seems they are not sold there.

    Thanks for any help!

  18. SHARI HART Says:

    Are these Lego storage bricks available in the US yet?

    Thank you,


  19. Rhys Says:

    I was just wondering what are the dimenosons (how big are they)of the lego bricks box???

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