We’ve had a manic day of Christmas press shows, so I’m feeling tired but – very inspired! We had so much fun and saw loads of lovely new designs and ideas for our Christmas issue, which we’re starting to write now. I particularly liked these pretty new heart-shaped plates from The White Company – so gorgeous! I’ll have some more Christmas gossip tomorrow, so pop in. – Ellie

Feeling all-white

January 16, 2010

New White Company collection ahoy! Mmmm, feast your eyes on these luxurious, lovely, light rooms. These are so beautiful, I’m breaking the habit of a lifetime and posting on a Saturday!!

I love the ceiling/roof in this bedroom – and there’s something so decadent about just having your mattress on the floor like this. I could happily while away a few hours reading the weekend newspapers in this gorgeous house!

Lovely neutral bed linen here – and note the little ceramic sparrow on the bedside table – TREND alert! Perching sparrow birds are EVERYWHERE this season. This one looks like he’s from Comfort Station or Caravan to me.

This location house (owned by photographer Paul Massey) seems to be in every magazine or catalogue I open at the moment, and has been on lots of blogs recently, too. It’s very lovely.

Cow hide rugs… yay or nay? They’re very popular at the moment, but I’m just not sure about them myself. What do you think? I love this kitchen shot – you can’t go wrong with white brick-style tiles:

I really like these rustic wooden bowls – sometimes the simplest things are the nicest. – Ellie

Wonderful white

March 13, 2009

When The White Company look book arrives in the office, it’s always an exciting day. These new spring/summer photographs are so airy and beautiful, we had to share them with you.



An all-white room with pretty accessories, fresh flowers and a flickering candle is a magical, restful space.


You might think white’s a difficult choice to live with – particularly if you’ve got children – but stylist Atlanta Bartlett, author of At Home with White, says she finds white ‘extremely practical’. Atlanta thinks the idea that dark colours and patterns are better because they don’t show dirt, isn’t right. ‘At least with white you can see exactly what needs a good clean, plus if something is really stained you can always resort to bleach,’ she says. I’ve been thinking about sanding my bedroom floorboards and painting them white for a while now. I think I’m nearly ready to take the plunge! – Ellie